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Creative Programming in English that motivates children to learn and speak.

תכניות ייחודיות, המשתלבות בתכנית הליבה של משרד החינוך. באמצעות:  דרמה, סדנאות, יצירה

בישול, משחקים ושירים הרלוונטיים לנושאים הנלמדים בתכניות השונות

Exciting News:
You can purchase my games!  Just click on my shop and download the pdf games, worksheets or lesson plans.

Upcoming Workshops!

Games Workshop - Face to face!


  •  lots of ideas, games and activities

  • refreshments

  • shopping spree!

Sunday, June 18th, 10 a.m. 

Moshav Sgula near Kiryat Gat


Ping Pong System of Speaking English:

  • Free Games

  • Tools and Strategies

  • Ideas and Activities 

Sunday, May 28th 20:00 to 21:30

Zoom Meeting-100 shekels

Pay by bit

I believe that children learn best when surrounded with a creative and rich environment that motivates them to learn and succeed.  My passion is to give teachers the tools and strategies to easily implement in their classrooms. 

Coaching Sessions:

  • one on one sessions

  • small group sessions 

                                         Call Patti at                  

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